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October 11, 2023

Takeaways from our Work Safe, Texas Summit in El Paso

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On September 19, Texas Mutual hosted a Work Safe, Texas Summit in El Paso. During the summit we shared workplace safety and compliance information with employers and gave them an opportunity to network with other business professionals in the area. Almost 200 business owners and operations leaders attended the free, public event.

The summit featured two panel discussions with Texas employers and subject matter experts moderated by Pat Niekamp, founder of Texas CEO Magazine. The first panel covered workplace safety and health programs and featured:

  • Emily Knight, CEO of Texas Restaurant Association
  • Rene Navarro, chief compliance officer for Emergence Health Network
  • Hector Paquian, director of risk management for Jobe Materials

There was a wide range of industry experience between the three panelists. While their perspectives on relevant hazards and specific areas of safety focus differed, their general approaches to workplace safety were similar. Discussions centered around identifying the most important hazards by criteria such as industry, location and loss history. The panelists also shared their approaches to addressing high-focus items, including workplace violence prevention and protecting employees from heat illnesses. They mentioned methods such as training and changing work schedules.

Each panelist placed high importance on training employees and cultivating a true safety culture. They discussed that including safety procedures during new employee onboarding is crucial to setting priorities. Paquian even mentioned that Jobe Materials includes a safety statement on its website to show how important it is to the business.

The second panel focused on compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards and featured:

  • Abraham Arzola, compliance assistance specialist with the OSHA El Paso Area Office
  • Eric Bourquin, vice president of safety services for Texas Mutual

Panelists discussed the importance of training with an emphasis on OSHA outreach courses. Arzola pointed out that all employees should know how to recognize basic hazards in the workplace and should feel empowered to take action by reporting uncontrolled hazards to their supervisor. He also emphasized that it’s never too late for a company to commit to safety and instill a better culture. Both panelists expressed that employers should utilize resources from OSHA, their workers’ compensation insurance carrier and the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI).

Our next Work Safe, Texas Summit will take place in Corpus Christi on November 7. We’re inviting local business owners and safety professionals to come enjoy a free breakfast, network with other Corpus Christi business professionals and learn strategies for preventing workplace injuries.